Friday, February 12, 2010

High Fructose Corn Syrup by the Foot

So, we're not really the kind of people who buy the "popular" foods. Eventually, this will be a point of contention, I'm sure, as our kids see things on TV, or see other kids eating certain foods, and they realize that THEY don't get those things at home . . . .

I don't have any idea where I'm going with this, really. Maybe I was going to lecture on how terrible processed foods are, or maybe I was going to, once again, dwell on how deprived I was as a child and claim that I never had all these fancy, new-fangled foods. I honestly can't remember where I was going with this. It's late in the day (almost 8:00, now, which is practically midnight now that I'm old), and I can't remember what my point was going to be. Consarnit! And, really, I LOVE me some processed foods, so it's not like I have a soapbox I can stand on there. Chances are pretty good, though, that our kids WILL complain that we don't buy them the popular foods, because I'll try to avoid it, at least until they start bitching too much and I get tired of hearing it.

But Gabe was able to enjoy a Fruit by the Foot roll last night because some UNGOOD parent (unlike me, who is very good because, as I stated earlier but gave no good reason for, I don't buy these kinds of foods for our kids to eat) bought them for her kid to bring to daycare for Valentine's Day. And we took a video of it because he decided to eat it from one end to the other and we found it amusing.


Here's a picture of Butts after a bath!

We had one of those guilty moments, one of those ones where we say to one another, "You know, we really need to take more pictures of the younger one, too." So we took a picture of her after her bath.

1 comment:

  1. What, no comment about my fat belly in the video? How often will I ever be in any of these videos. I should have at least got a passing comment. sheesh.
