Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hi, There

So, how's it going? We never talk anymore. Things are going pretty well here. Things are happening, and I mean that in the '70s-est sense of the word "happening." Here I could even make probably the only now-relevant reference to the character Rerun that I will ever get to make in this blog. Which I guess I just did. By saying I COULD make a reference to him, I made a reference to him.

But enough about Rerun, even though he was the first non-cartoon African-American television character that I related to as a child. I'm not sure WHY I related to him, but I did. I still think back fondly on the Rerun heavy episodes of "What's Happening." The first African-American character that I related to was Fat Albert. Hmm. I'm seeing a repeating theme here (big, larger than life characters). I bet some therapist somewhere would have a field day with that.

But enough about Rerun and Fat Albert. Let's talk about you. How's the family/pets/cell mate? How's that thing you do going? How are the herpes? No flare ups, I hope?

Well, that's enough for now. I've got some bigger updates in the pipeline, but I just haven't had the gumption to sit down for long here lately--and I haven't had the camera going much with pictures to go along with the stories. I'll try and fix that here in the next day or two.


  1. Hey.

    It's 2 weeks old, but it's new. We're just very boring. I got a raise, kinda. And I've been given the opportunity by my employers to apply for a rewards card at the local hardware store, which doesn't sound like an opportunity to me either. I've got holidays coming up in March. They should be fun. Um... Jeez. When put on the spot I can't really come up with anything really exciting.

  2. Having a great time reading World War Z. I mean, what could be more fun than a pandemic plague of zombies?


  3. Hi! I don't have a blog because, lacking a kid for interesting daily content, my life would probably bore everyone to tears in one or two posts.

    Can't wait to see what's coming up, though! Gabe's Spiderman/Rocketship video is so far my favourite of them all.
