Friday, April 23, 2010

A Mystery

Button woke up about 7:00 this morning (yeah, in addition to not sleeping during the day or going down when she's supposed to at night, now she's getting up early in the morning, too), and promptly went about the three minutes of cooing and playing that she'll do in bed before she gets bored and takes to exercising her lungs until we go get her. So I went up and got her.

When I got in there, she was kneeling up in bed, looking at me with a big smile. She was holding something in her hand that I couldn't quite make out, so I carefully pulled it away from her for closer examination.

It was a munged up chunk of fruit bar.

I have no idea where it came from--or where it COULD have come from. It was still freshish. She HAD eaten a fruit bar last night. And, admittedly, it's not unusual for her to have bits of food about her person. She's a notoriously messy eater and, I think, she likes to slobber up food and purposefully stick it to parts of her body so that she can pick them off and eat them later, but that couldn't have been the case with this bit of food. She'd had a bath and a fresh outfit put on her right before bed last night, and though she might have voluminous folds to hide food in, being a baby giant, I find it highly unlikely that we could have missed such a sizable chunk of fruit bar in the bath. Where else it could have come from, I have no idea. She hadn't had any other fruit bars this week, and we just washed her bedding last weekend. A mystery. A gross, sadly typical mystery.

In other news, I feel sorry for Gabe. There is a good chance that his life is going to be one of constant torment by his younger sister. For the past few months, nothing has pleased Norah more than to mess with Gabe. Her favorite game--which we caught a bit of in the video below--is to mess with the boy. But, even when Libby isn't controlling the activity, Norah will go out of her way to torture Gabe. Say he's lying on the floor for a diaper change. No matter where she is, Norah will quickly make a beeline straight for Gabe--while he's lying there, exposed and vulnerable--and start climbing all over his face. She makes it LOOK like she's just trying to get at his binky or whatever he might be holding onto, but the fact that she does it even when he's not holding anything or using his binky pretty much proves to me that she does it just because she derives great pleasure from his pleas for mercy. Life should prove interesting with these two around.

1 comment:

  1. You KNOW this is all stemming from the times when you guys were like "Oh, Norah's so quiet and patient.. we just forget she's there." You've established that noise needs to be made in the Albers home, and that she who takes down Gabe will win attention for herself. I'm proud of Norah for sussing out the family dynamic and acting on it so quickly. Go Norah, go!
