Friday, April 16, 2010

Gabe Sums Up His Existence

A revelation! Moments ago, Gabe pretty accurately summed up his entire purpose in the world as he sees it.

After handing him one of his last packages of Easter pez, he began to unceremoniously tear into the paper around the chalky little candies. He dropped the first piece on the floor as I watched.

"Uh, uh," I chastised. "Trash doesn't go on the floor."

He looked down at the piece of paper and moved a foot on top of it. "All gone," he declared.

"Just because I can't see it right now doesn't mean it doesn't exist," I explained. So he picked up his foot. Of course, the piece of paper stuck to the bottom of it, meaning it was still nowhere to be found. "All gone," he repeated, satisfied.

He tore off another piece and dropped it on the floor, too. "Pick those up, please," I said. And then he laid on me his purpose in life.

"I throw trash on floor. It's my job."

And who was I to argue. If it's his JOB, well, there's nothing for it but to clean up after him, I suppose. A boy's gotta work.


  1. p.s. The part I'm leaving out of this story, because the reality of it all is just too terrible for me to accept, is the sentence he said after his mission statement: "Picking up trash is Daddy's job!" So, really, he summed up BOTH of our existences pretty accurately right there, I guess.

  2. It is good to know that you both have clear responsibilities in the house. Next you should work with Gabe in developing job descriptions for you both, so that you can have goals and reviews and such to see how well you are doing with your jobs.
