Saturday, November 7, 2009

Ending on a High Note--A Shrill, Piercing, Shrieking, Every Hour and a Half High Note

There was bound to be a correction: a yang to the previous night's yin. But that doesn't mean I have to like it.

The night before last went about as well as I could have hoped. In an attempt to reduce Button's feedings from three back down to two, I took her up a bottle when I went to bed at 10:00. It worked better than I expected it would. She woke up once at 2:00 then didn't wake up again until 6:00--and Gabe was getting up then anyway, so I can't count that as a through-the-night feeding. As such, I actually got a decent night of sleep (well, about five hours, but that was about as much as I could expect to get).

But, then, she was a turd most of yesterday. She only took one nap halfway through the day for about an hour and a half, then she refused to take her normal, mood stabilizing hour-long nap in the late afternoon. Subsequently, from about 4:00 until she went to sleep for the night, she was an inconsolable mess. I hoped this would mean she'd sleep better through the night, since she was obviously tired already.

It didn't. Instead, she woke up every hour and a half, on the dot, starting at midnight. And this despite me feeding her a 10:00 bottle when I went up to bed.

In other words, Libby can't get home soon enough.

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