Does someone have a squirrel that can water ski? Like to take your dog for rides on your motorcycle? Or do you have an infestation of Canadian Brown Finches (I know this one sounds stupid, but you must watch it)? Then have we got one minute and thirty seconds of fame for you!
But what can be done about it? News time isn't going to fill itself, so sometimes you have to promote the truly un-newsworthy--and sell the hell out if it if you're going to convince anyone that they haven't just wasted a portion of their lives watching something that should never have been produced--to keep from having to show five full minutes of local car ads to fill the last few minutes of your broadcast.
And that's pretty much where I'm finding myself right now. Granted, ALL of my posts tend to loiter right around the Pointless sign, but at least they usually have the intention of spray painting rude words on it when nobody is looking (like spraying over the "oi" with an "e," and the "tles" with an "i"). Not today, though. I've got nothing of particular interest.
So what I'm going to do is try to pass off this picture:
as being more noteworthy than it probably is. It's our kids in the tub together! Something we're now able to do, to save us about five minutes of time, because Norah can sit up in the tub!
Actually, it's a good thing we can sit her up in the tub now. The hair on the back of her head was getting ridiculous. She HAD a bald spot back there, from rubbing her head on everything all the time (since she spent her life on her back for the first five months or so), but now these little wispy hairs are starting to fill in, and these hairs are BADLY mistreated by her (again, since she still spends a goodly portion of her time lying on her back). The end result is that the back of her head looks like a toothless dog has been massaging her scalp with its gums. And having to bathe her in her little tub didn't help since we couldn't really get under her head to try and work out some of the knots.
But no more!
Hopefully something more interesting will develop as this week presses on.
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