Friday, March 19, 2010

Gabe Takes a Life

It was bound to happen. I suppose that we've done the world a favor by delaying it until he was almost three, but Gabe finally killed something.

Oh yeah. SPOILER ALERT: The worm dies at the end. I'll put that in there for those people who would rather know how it ends ahead of time than wait for the surprise.

I'm getting ahead of myself.

Libby and Gabe spent the evening out in the gardens yesterday (after Gabe, Norah, and I had already spent about an hour and a half out there--this isn't important to the story, I just wanted to prove that I, too, go outside with the kids and expose them to things other than Yo Gabba Gabba). And Libby got a trilogy of videos that I'm going to post that will tell the story of their early evening in the yard and how it ultimately led to MURDER. If the videos aren't too long for Blogger, that is.

This first video is unrelated to Gabe's crime against nature. It's a video of Gabe doing something utterly frustrating. Well, frustrating to me, anyway. It pretty accurately depicts the difference in parenting styles between Libby and myself. I stop him from doing things he's not supposed to, Libby likes to see how things are going to play out on their own. Anyway, mildly amusing.

As you can see from the video, the worm is still alive, if not well. He would go on to carry it around for another ten minutes or so, mistreating it in many different ways. Unfortunately, Libby brought the camera in after this video. She came in after the damage was done and told me I needed to see it. I brought out the camera and we got some of the aftermath.

Here the worm is quite obviously an ex-worm. Libby said Gabe was swinging it around like a piece of string, which is probably what did the poor little fella in. I, of course, would have put a stop to this much earlier, probably saving the worm's life. Libby, as I mentioned earlier, likes to see how things are going to play out, and this time a life was lost. Hopefully she learned a valuable lesson.

1 comment:

  1. If Gabe is ever allowed to own a goldfish, and that goldfish is to die, I predict he will react like Aaron did: "Mom? Can I go to Wal-mart and buy another fish?" and not like Isaac, who cried, and cried... and swore he'd never own another goldfish, for how in the world would we ever replace Swimmy?
