Monday, October 26, 2009

Oh Daddy, Focus.

As if Gabe was reading my blogs last week about my brother Ben's youthful speech impediment (Fucker Go!), he acquired a fuck impediment of his own this evening.

It all started, shortly after Libby was telling me the story of a co-student of hers who will be defending her thesis at the same time Libby is (Libby will be gone pretty much ALL of the first week of November--I'm thinking about doing a daily blog so that I can document my not-so-gradual descent into madness, but since I'm also figuring I won't get more than three hours of sleep on any given night, I might not have the energy). While telling this rather colorfully explicit story, Libby dropped a few eff bombs. Oh, and I forgot to mention that she was coloring with Gabe on the floor at the time.

As Libby finished her story and got up to get something from another room, Gabe said, "Ferk it!" Then he further elaborated, " Ferk it! Ferk it! Ferk it!" and he started coloring on his coloring book like he had something against it.

This isn't the story, though, this is just the warm up. As when he learned how to say "bitch" and "jerkass," I don't think "ferk it" will stick around too long, but I'll be sure to try and get it on video the next time if I can.

The story happened a few minutes later. While I was doing some laundry, Libby tried to coax Gabe into putting his colors and coloring books away. He kept purposefully not paying attention to her. "Focus, please, Gabe!" she said. To which he repeated, "Fuck ass, please."

He said it a number of times. As he was pushing his cars around on the dining room floor a few minutes later, from in the laundry room I could hear "Fuck ass, fuck ass, fuck ass." It made me laugh myself.

Sadly (or perhaps fortunately, depending on how much you like to laugh at the things your kid says vs. how well you hope they can blend into society when they get to school), the more he said it, the more it started to transform into something more like "ferkus." We tried to get it on video, but it was moving slightly more towards the "ferkus" version by the time we did. Oh well.

The "Oh Daddy," thing he was doing is new. I'm not sure where he picked it up. I'm sure it was something Libby said in exasperation when I'd done something or other. He never gets this out of sorts about me turning off the TV during the day. I think he does a lot of the stuff he does in the evening just to show off for Libby.

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