Button is taken care of.
She's going as a chubby little pumpkin.
But Gabe is a bit tougher. He's not really into costumes yet, unfortunately. He refuses to keep accessories on. Last week, because I was bored, I started to make him a costume out of pipe cleaners.
I'm not sure what the costume would have been, mind you--possibly a Renn Faire jester--but it didn't matter because, not only would he not keep the costume on, he smashed it back into its component parts within two days.
The other option is pajamas. He currently has two sets of pjs that are costumes in and of themselves.
His "racing" pjs, that make him look like he's part of a pit crew. This one I'm not particularly interested in. He's already more of a fan of cars than I'm comfortable with. I'd hate to inadvertently encourage him to pursue a life in NASCAR (I mean, I'll support whatever life decisions he makes, I suppose, but I'd sure rather he didn't make THAT life decision. Frankly, I'd rather he was a flaming stage diva performing in carabert bars in San Francisco. I wouldn't really encourage that, either, but not on the basis of a conflict of values. I would just prefer he looked into a career that will earn him enough money to afford me a luxurious lifestyle in some swank retirement community staffed with ex-Hooters waitresses when I'm something like 55, and I somehow doubt that dressing up like Whitney Houston and belting out Abba classics in front of small crowds will net that much return).
The other option--and the one that I'm leaning towards--is his superhero jammies.
I'm actually a little jealous of these pjs. As far as I'm concerned, they are the most awesome piece of clothing ever conceived--though not the most awesome thing made from cloth ever conceived, I reserve that ranking for this.
But are they sufficient to act as a costume? We'd obviously have to put normal shoes on--which will entirely ruin the built in footie/boots look--but, otherwise, this isn't such a bad costume.
Any thoughts? I'm looking for cheap, easy, and something Gabe will keep on.
Hey, my earlier comment didn't get posted. I was just reminding you guys of all of Gabe's cowboy gear. Unless you don't consider cowboy clothes as a "costume".
ReplyDeleteYou should definitely get him to wear something that involves facepaint. My personal favorite was always the little devil costume, complete with evil mustachios, spiky goatee and pointy eyebrows. :D