Saturday, August 15, 2009

Two Weeks of "Yea!"

Libby's FMLA leave time officially started after work on Friday. Hurray! Only almost three months into it, she was finally able to work out two weeks that she could get off straight. And people have the gall to suggest that government employees are somehow lazy or not dedicated to their jobs. Pah, I say unto thee! And a pox upon your family!

I'm looking forward to it. Mostly because it means that, should we choose to, we could probably BOTH take naps. Every day. Naps! OR, I could stay up late, like I am tonight while I type this up, and then sleep in the next morning (and by "sleeping in," I mean 8:00--not actual sleeping in considering my normal time to wake was 9:00 for YEARS, but as close as I get now). It should be quite enjoyable.

So, get this. A little while ago, I paused for a moment and took stock of just where my life is right now. I sat down heavily on our couch and truly pondered what I'm doing with my life and what I'm contributing to the world as a whole. And then I thought about how I felt about all that. Here's a pretty accurate sum-up.

My goal, for these next two weeks while Libby is home, is to coax the baby into accepting an 8:00 bed time as her regular schedule.

That's it. That is my entire short term goal.

Now, I think this says something pretty spectacular about my life right now. I am in a place where the only short term goal I have to worry about is coercing my two month old into going to bed at a more convenient time for us. That is pretty amazing. Everyone should be so lucky.

So, yeah, I'm feeling pretty good about things. Thanks for asking.

And with luck we'll even get Gabe doing more funny stuff this week (he's a show-off for Libby, so it should be easy), which means maybe I'll have more stuff to post on here! Hurray for everything!

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