We also had a little come to Jesus about toys yesterday and the rubber band gun became involved. Since we started watching the old Transformers series, hardly an hour goes by that Gabe doesn't want me to run right out and buy him ALL of the Transformers that have ever been made. He doesn't grasp the concept of "this show was on over twenty years ago and the toys aren't made anymore (and, yes, I do have a trash can full of them in Mom and Dad's attic, but I'm not going to let you play with those until there's at least a 50% chance that you won't destroy them instantly. Jazz and Optimus Prime have survived for 25 years or so and deserve to be allowed to continue to do so).
Usually I just keep giving him what is quickly becoming an old standard: "Keep saving your allowance and eventually you can buy one of the big Transformers." The problem is, he doesn't have any concept of money value. He sees that he has a jar with almost an inch of coins in it. This is LOTS of money. He should be able to buy whatever he wants with it. Now. He makes three coins a day doing his "morning chores" (three random coins, usually pennies and nickels because, again, he doesn't understand their value and I am still hoping to use the big change jar I've been accumulating for the last seven years to buy a new X-Box when the one I have inevitably craps out), and every day those three coins should buy him a new Transformer.
That, I patiently explained, was never going to happen. I went on to tell him that he wasn't going to get every toy he wanted, and informed him that he was being kind of a spoiled brat because he hadn't even fully played with all the toys he got for his birthday. His argument: "But I need ALL of them because Bumblebee is lonely without all of his friends."
So I approached the subject of his imagination. He uses it pretty regularly, creating little scenarios for his toys to play out, but I don't think he's very good at pretending something is other than it really is. So, when he asked, "Did you have Megatron when you were growing up?" I said, "No, we didn't. We just used another toy and pretended he was Megatron" (which is true, though before long that got pretty lame so we just relied on the bad guys that we did have instead to wreak havoc).
And then the rubber band gun came into play. Because old school Megatron was a gun (the new one is an airplane, which is also lame). And he started pretending that the rubber band gun was Megatron. In my head I did a little victory dance. If all went well, suddenly all of his dozens of hot wheels cars COULD be Transformers!
But it only lasted about thirty seconds and he was asking me if I would buy him Ironhide (not the new one, which he got for his birthday, but the old one). Sigh.
Meanwhile, Norah got a princess dress for her birthday, and she also spent most of yesterday wearing her present. Also without pants.
Adorable. She still needs a crown, but we have the pixie wand, so she's very nearly a fairy princess already.
After I took it off her for nap time yesterday, Gabe was THIS CLOSE to putting it on himself. Man I hope he does, cause that will be an AWESOME picture.
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