Friday, June 10, 2011

Ash Cleanup

A friend just reminded me of a funny thing Gabe has been saying off and on for the last few weeks and I wanted to get it down before it was lost forever.

I am pretty sure I mentioned Gabe's obsession with volcanoes. That, of course, was like three weeks or a month ago, so he doesn't think or talk about them at all right now (replaced by the Transformers I've apparently also been obsessed with all week, since I keep talking about them too).

Only a week or two ago, all Gabe could talk about was volcanoes. And he invariably became very animated whenever he was talking about them. Actually, he gets very animated whenever he's talking about whatever he happens to be obsessed with at the time. When excited and animated, he tends to not worry quite so much about pronunciation and elocution--assuming, I believe, that the added hand gestures and invasion of personal space (he usually gets right in a person's face and talks at them to make sure they're paying close attention to the important things he has to say) will make up for understandability.

So, for a couple weeks, every time he stopped someone to tell them about volcanoes, of which he probably knows more than I do now, it usually went something like this: "I've got a volcano movie! My favorite part is the ass clamp!"

Whoever he was talking to would give us a perplexed look.

"Ash cleanup," we would carefully translate. "Yeah, ass clamp," Gabe would verify.

And we laughed and laughed.

That's all. Just wanted to get that one down.


  1. Thank you for the laugh. I needed this at exactly this moment. That, and the last of the birthday cake I'm currently eating to calm my nerves.

  2. We could use some "ass clamp" here at the moment. We've got flights grounded because of the Chilean volcano.
