Norah has also been having some fun with bonking. If she knocks her head on something or runs into something, she'll usually go "Oof, bonk." Here she is extending that to one of her toys.

Huh. It seemed to me that there was more stuff in there when I sorted through it last week. Maybe I missed something. Oh well, your loss, I suppose. But here is a video Libby took last night. The part with Norah flapping her wings like a bird is kind of cute, I suppose, but the best part comes towards the end after she kicks the stool away. I have suspected for a few weeks now that she's already learned to blame Gabe for whatever happens that's bad. My first instinct until recently has always been to assume that Gabe has pushed or prodded Norah to make her cry. And, more often than not, that had been the case. But now I have to be more careful before I snap to a judgement. A couple times earlier in the week, when they were playing upstairs, Norah would start crying. I'd go up to see what the problem was and Norah would be saying, "Gabe! Gabe!" but she would be nowhere near Gabe. Moreover, Gabe would be sitting, obviously still paying attention to some game or toy that in no way concerned what Norah appeared to be doing. "It was Norah!" Gabe would insist. And I'm pretty sure it was.
Norah actually needs to learn the crying wolf lesson soon, otherwise she runs the risk of being the one to ALWAYS get in trouble when something bad happens and she starts to cry. It happened to my brother Jon. He was a classic cry-baby. Early on he learned that he could get us in trouble if he cried. So he started to cry about everything. EVERYTHING. He still does, actually. But that's beside the point. Before long, Mom and Dad caught wise and until he got to a point where he wasn't crying all the time and instantly blaming us, Mom and Dad always assumed that Jon was just being a douche and trying to get us in trouble. And Ben and I fully exploited that. We could beat on Jon mercilessly without any real fear of punishment because, as long as there weren't any marks or noises or other proof that we had done so, Mom and Dad assumed that Jon was just crying to get us in trouble. Now, Norah is running the risk of having the same thing happen to her. She would be wise to carefully consider her options. Which is exactly what all two year olds are best known for doing.
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