Friday, December 17, 2010

Why Teachers Should Make Doctor Money

As the days pass, I am becoming increasingly convinced that, once he's in school, Gabe is going to be "that kid." You know the kid I'm talking about. The one who, at the school program, is dancing in place or pulling someone's hair instead of singing the song he's supposed to be singing. The one who never sits still and, several times a day, gets in trouble for disrupting class. The one that teachers have to plan their days around.

He's got all the marks of being "that kid." He's pretty smart. He's high energy and doesn't care for sitting still. And he's got a short attention span and gets bored easily. He's going to be a handful for all of the teachers he has, probably until high school.

Now, to my reasoning for the title of this post. I have to find ways to keep Gabe at least passably entertained every day. It's not an easy task--and I have to admit that I spend a great deal of my energy trying to steer him towards activities that will keep him in one place and get him used to the twelve years of school he's going to spend sitting in small desks--but I only have ONE other child in the house that I have to keep occupied at the same time. Imagine trying to juggle a classroom full of children, all with different needs, AND having to contain/entertain/contend with one or more of "those children." These people should be living sumptuous lives of luxury when they aren't working, and that's all there is too it.

Anyway, I had all these thoughts after watching Gabe at his pre-school program yesterday. It was short, about ten minutes. They prepared a few songs that they sang along with their teacher--which they'd obviously been working on for a little while at least--and it was, of course, adorable. Libby got some video of Gabe's "participation" throughout. Watch the videos and tell me that I'm wrong in my assessment of his future school life and how much his teachers should be making for dealing with him and the other kids that are like him.


  1. god help his poor teachers...oy...our wild little boy.

  2. You are probably right, but in Gabe's defense, he has been trained for his whole life by you to ham it up whenever he sees a camera. What else was he supposed to do. Plus, some of the songs were a little lame, I could see how he might get a little bit bored.

  3. He was perfect. he's only 3 and doesn't have to perform Hamlet - yet!
    don't worry about him, worry about yourselves!
