Friday, October 1, 2010

Video Roundup

The last couple of days, I've been trying to make up for being remiss with the camera for the past month or so by trying to capture the kids doing cute things on video. Since both of my kids have Pavlovian responses to seeing the camera in action, though, I haven't had much success. All the same, here's what I've managed to get.

This was supposed to be a video of Norah doing her fake laugh. It's the cutest little forced laugh ever. Some day she'll make a good studio audience member for a CBS comedy. She's getting pretty good at the laugh, and she WAS doing it up to the point where I turned on the camera. The she started eating crackers. Still, even doing almost nothing, she's awfully cute.

A few minutes later, she was carrying on a conversation with herself--which she's getting pretty good at, though it seems to be some kind of Nel language that only she understands. But, once again, she stopped doing it as soon as I grabbed the camera. Then she grabbed the camera string and started dinking around with that. Probably not the BEST or most interesting video, but I don't have much more to offer, I'm afraid.

This would have been better if Norah hadn't immediately noticed me with the camera. She started cheesing it up for the camera instead of playing with Gabe like she had been. But this is a pretty good example of why it's often easier to entertain her while Gabe is around than when she's be herself.

And, finally, after the video of the two of them together, Gabe wanted to put on a show for the camera. He needs to work on his showmanship somewhat, as this video ended up being little more than him spazzing out for a minute.

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