I know, I know. At three and a half, we're probably well behind the game here. Probably he should be pretty familiar with play areas by this point. But, truth be told, I try to avoid feeding the kids fast food as much as possible. Partly I do this because it is the responsible thing to do, but mostly I do it because it's a waste of perfectly good money for food that I can buy in the freezer section and microwave for the kids (which is good, since Norah will still only eat brown, greasy foods at this point, despite our repeated efforts to get her interested in ANYTHING else).
Yesterday, though, Libby broke down and went to the Burger King here in town so Gabe could exhaust himself in the kids' area. Personally, I rank Burger King just above Spam on my list of sustenance options. I can't stand the place. I think pretty much all of its food is nauseating. Libby, however, disagrees. Probably it has something to do with our experiences growing up. The nearest Burger King to me while young was about sixty miles away. Libby was only a few blocks away from one. I don't think I had my first Burger King until I was in high school, and I found it wanting. So, had it been up to me and Burger King was the only option with a play area for kids, Gabe probably wouldn't have had the opportunity to play in one until he could drive there himself.
Anyway, he loved the crown. Norah loved it too, but not so much for wearing on her head.

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