Monday, September 27, 2010

Gabe Has a Conversation with His Junk

For awhile now, Gabe has been doing "voices" whenever he's pretending to do stuff. Usually, his "voices" are more a "voice" and that voice is a slightly higher pitched version of his own (nobody will likely confuse him for Michale Winslow from the Police Academy movies--but I can't really folly him for that since the extent of my voice impersonations are limited to Pat and Pat sounding stupid). This voice covers pretty much everyone who isn't Gabe.

And last night, it covered his penis while he was in the bath.

He was sitting in there and I came in to wash his hair. He's gotten pretty good at washing everything that he can see on his body, but if he can't see the dirt, then it doesn't exist still, so we have to wash his face and hair. I filled up a cup and got his hair wet a few times (because he's got such a mop of hair) then lathered him up. While I was doing that, I heard him talking in his high pitched voice, but wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying. Until the last two cups of water that I poured, then I heard what he was saying.

As Gabe: "You need an umbrella or you're going to get wet."
As Penis: "I need an umbrella or I'm going to get wet."

Then he made a "shooosh, shoosh" sound--like a piece of large machinery or something sliding into place--and he used his hands to shield his junk from the water that was running down from the top of his head.

Because I'm a helpful parent, I pointed out, "But he's still going to get wet because you're sitting in a tub full of water."

Gabe paused as if to consider this then said in his "voice," "I need an umbrella or I'm going to get wet," effectively ignoring my reason and logic and continuing with his dialogue.

"Now you're all dry," he concluded in his own voice.

And I left him to his important work for a few minutes.

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