Friday, August 20, 2010

Norah Update

It's been awhile since I've done a straight up Norah update, so I might as well, no?

First, let me start with a video:

As you can see from the video, she's getting around pretty well these days. Not as well as she'd LIKE to, but well enough. She'd really like to be able to climb up on the couch and the other furniture so that she can better get at the few places that are still inaccessible to her in the living room and dining room. Of course, this will be a pretty interesting milestone since she will also be able to climb OVER the couch at this point. I suspect she's going to be couch diving at a MUCH younger age than Gabe ever did.

As for her walking, I find it most amusing. Now that she's also figured out how to wave (her favorite thing to "say" right now is "hi," which she will often say a thousand times a day, usually waggling her hand one way or the other the whole time. Of course she wouldn't say it on camera. Anyway, she likes to wave while she walks, and I think it makes her look like a little chimp or orangutan or other big monkey. OR she looks like a really really fat person walking. You know how the morbidly obese sort of look like they are flinging their feet forward more than just lifting and placing them back down a few inches ahead? Like that.

Which I guess shouldn't surprise me. She does weigh a ton. I'm actually a little worried about it and wondering if I shouldn't switch her over to the 1/2% milk we all drink instead of the whole milk the doctor told us to use until she's two. She weighs more than most two year olds at this point, so maybe she should be eating like one. Dunno.

Question. Would it be cruel if the first phrase that I tried really hard to teach Norah to say (remember, this will be hugely unsuccessful, as my attempts to teach Gabe to say "Om nom nom" like a zombie also were) is "Bring me a bucket!"? I'm guessing probably. But would the comedy of it outweigh the cruelty in the eyes of the court?

Anyway, she's full on wearing 2T shirts now and mostly wearing 2t pants. The 18 month shirts tend to end up looking like tube tops as the skin tight bottom half creeps up over her belly and stays there until someone with some decency pulls it back down. And most of the 18 month bottoms are impossible to pull up over her . . . thighs and butt (I was going to say "enormous" there but remembered that some day she might read these and didn't want to insult her booty parts in a most embarrassing way--women don't seem to care for that. Hi future Norah! I hope you finally stopped finding great pleasure in poking me straight in the eye and laughing hysterically at my obvious discomfort!). She's a big girl!

Let's see. She's still not sleeping through the night, but she's doing a little better. She still gets up at least once . . . .

I'm typing this over the course of the afternoon (since Norah was kind enough to make a crap ton of noise and wake Gabe up after both of them had only slept about an hour, which didn't give me enough time to post while they slept), and Gabe just ran up to the office gate shouting "I've gotta pee pee! I've gotta pee pee!" He always sounds like he's two seconds away from exploding, even if he barely has to go. Anyway, I opened the gate, he came in, started running toward the bathroom, stopped, turned back abruptly, pointed at my head and said, "You've got hair!" "Um, yeah," I replied. "I sort of always have." And he turned around and went in to do his business.

Then I went in to see how Norah was keeping herself busy. She'd pulled a toy out of the cabinet and brought it into the living room and it was receiving her full attention. I was so proud, that I ran to the office to get the camera, but she spotted me, so she picked up the toy and followed me into the living room. I got a picture nonetheless.

My girl!

Anyway, what was I talking about? Right. Actually, I'm not sure what else there is to update on. Oh well. If I think of something, I'm sure I'll let everyone know.

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