Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Norah Takes a Dump Then Falls Asleep--In About Five Minutes

Just a quick post because I thought this was worth sharing.

Because she is incapable of sleeping normally, Norah took a ten minute nap today. I took the kids to Wal-Mart to try and find some printer cartridges and to buy Gabe a new tow truck (he keeps losing the one he has, and, after losing it again this morning, I decided to try and find another one since it doubled our odds of being able to find one when he asked). Apparently, Wal-Mart doesn't sell tow trucks (or combines, or, really, any of the specific vehicles that Gabe has asked for by name), so I picked him up a pack of five random construction vehicles for $4 and he settled for that.

On the way home, Norah fell asleep--about a half hour before nap time. Usually when we stop and I start to unstrap her from her seat, she wakes up and then nap time is ruined for the foreseeable future. But today she kept nodding off in my arms while I carried her into the house. Not willing to pass up the opportunity, I took her up to her bed and laid her down. Then, to capitalize on the moment, I fed Gabe a quick lunch and put him down early too.

Ten minutes later, Norah woke up, but Gabe continued to sleep. So I brought her down and we goofed around for about two hours. She was even more lowkey than normal (when she's tired, she's either a brat or a stoner, this time she went with stoner--staring blankly at the walls or a book or whatever her gaze happened to settle on), so I came into the office to check emails and Facebook and what-not for a few minutes.

Usually, I can tell Norah is still fine and dandy by the constant stream of noise that comes out of her. After a few minutes, I noticed that lack of noise--which usually means that she's up to no good--so I went into the living room and this is what I saw.

I went in to check, just to make sure she was breathing (because that's the kind of guy I am), and was immediately struck by the smell. She'd apparently just taken a big dump, too. Which, as I'm writing this, is still in her pants. I'm not going to ruin some peace and quiet just to destink a room. And, apparently, if she can fall asleep just a minute or so after doing it, she doesn't have much of a problem with it either.

Poor girl. Look at the toys she was playing with before she konked out. A toy snake, a firetruck, a cup, a play bottle for one of her babies, and a pillow. I swear, she's going to learn to talk just so she can start asking for non-boy and non-mundane item toys.


  1. Poor little schmooper pooper

  2. I wish my parents had blogged about my bowel movements.

  3. I know! I am SOOOO looking forward to letting them read all these when they get older. Or their boy/girlfriends. It will be awesome and they will thank me for keeping such accurate records, I think.
