Monday, August 2, 2010

Croutons are Beautiful and Yummy

Nothing important to report. I just took a few videos during dinner tonight because the kids were being amusing.

Thanks to a personality type that can best be described as "morally flexible," I don't have a problem with handing Gabe a few croutons from the salad bar at the grocery store as we pass by. As such, he's grown to love the "crunchy squares," as he calls them. So, while shopping yesterday, I picked up a bag, and today I broke them out to supplement the kids' meals.

This was supposed to be a video of Norah chipmunk cheeking two croutons at a time. However, once I started the video, she had already mostly eaten the first three croutons that she was trying to cram into her mouth at the same time (she, apparently, likes them too). Gabe demanded some of his own--because, as he said, they were "beautiful and yummy." So I gave him a small handful also.

Then, because he says funny things, I took another video of Gabe shortly after he decided that he didn't want to eat any more (we've been working hard on the concept of dinner being the last food of the night--and that food shouldn't be wasted--with him for the past two weeks, with mixed success, and threats of cold mashed potatoes waiting on the table through the night for him to finish at breakfast time coaxed him back for a few more bites).

Libby commented that, when she was growing up, her family was strict about NOTHING interrupting dinner time. Obviously, we're not carrying on that tradition as you can hear the TV on in the living room and Libby gets up to answer the phone just in the minute and a half that this is running. Probably that's my bad influence. Dinner (or supper, as we called it) was not a dining room meal for our family as Mom never seemed to eat much dinner and Dad often didn't come in until around dark. Usually us boys sat in the living room and watched The Wheel or whatever 80s equivalent was on around dinner time. Take that, family tradition!

Oh, and oops. The phone call was in the first video, but I'm too lazy to erase anything I've already typed. I stand corrected, but I shan't be correcting.


  1. ahh dinner...such a relaxing meal.

  2. I think everyone who watches the first video will say 'that's a big bite.' I laughed when you both sighed in unison. It reminds me of watching mom and dad watch peter eat. Every time peter eats.

  3. So that first one is sort of a meta media moment. In a video on the blog, you talk about the title of the block. That's crazy man.
