Monday, July 27, 2009

Two Possibly Funny Videos

I know! Two posts in one night! It's friggin' unbelievable!

Though, this one is going to be very short. We took a pair of videos of Gabe a little bit ago that we thought were funny. Understand, he skipped his nap today, so he's WAY tired right now, which was prompting him to do some rather funnier than usual things.

This is one of Gabe's games. What you can't see is my non-videoing hand covering up my junk to shield a bit of damage, since he was plowing right into my crotch. Mostly, though, we took this so we could document how he says the word "accident," because we think it's adorable (which is why we were trying to get him to say it). He says it rather a lot, too, since he's always running into things or running his cars into things or running anything into things--and each time it's an "agnes" (though this time he called it an "angus" too, which would have made my Dad--a one time cattle breeder--very displeased because he wasn't much of a fan of the angus).

Because it's my way, I'm uploading these without having seen them before-hand. This video, though, seemed VERY funny to us--possibly America's Funniest Videos funny. But I say that, having not yet seen it. Specifically, the funny part comes at the end. We began the video trying to get him to sing the "happy birthday" song that he learned on my birthday last week. It goes "Happy . . . to Daddy," and it's pretty cute. But he wouldn't do it, so Libby started asking him what noises things make. This is the first minute of the video. Then she asks what "Daddy says," and Gabe responds tellingly (with the same noise he makes for a dinosaur, incidentally). Then, when asked what "Momma says," he responds in what I think is an awfully hilarious way.

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