Monday, July 13, 2009

So . . . Tired . . .

I apologize for my total lack of posting anything interesting for the last few weeks. The combination of 100+ temperatures and lack of sleep have all but completely sapped any creativity from my brain. For the time being, let's just assume that the name of this website should change to "One Dad, Not Enough Sleep" and, accordingly, assume that my updates are going to be rather infrequent.

Neither of our kids has reached any new, memorable milestones lately. Button still sleeps without any schedule, rhyme, or reason. One day she'll sleep from 5:00 in the morning until about 6:00 in the evening then be up the entire night, the next day she'll sleep through almost the entire night (which is fantastic, of course, except that it gives us all sorts of false hope that she's going to start sleeping on a normal schedule, which she then dashes against the Rocks of Unpredictable Baby Habits).

And Gabe is . . . Gabe. High energy--which is great, except when we're working with such low energy reserves, and he has a zero tolerance policy for people who don't play with him at the energy level he wants to play at.

Anyway, here is a video that pretty accurately sums up how things are going most of the time. Please note that this took place some time around 6:00 a.m., and that the bathroom door (which Gabe is slamming) is DIRECTLY below our bedroom, where I've been asleep for something like three hours. I'm not sure if that's enough of an excuse for my total lack of decorum at the end, but hopefully most of you will be able to forgive me.


  1. Ohhhh, I miss them already! I see I did not accomplish the mission of my visit, which was to get you guys rested up! Oh well.. at least I got in tons of snuggling with Norah and tickling Gabe. There's a little video of Norah wheezing her way through a nap on your camera somewhere. :)

  2. Nah, you did a GREAT job of getting us rested up--the kids just work double duty wearing us out. Some day I hope to return the favor, when I'm old and I can keep them up all hours of the night asking them to change my diapers and get me a glass of warm milk to drink.
