Friday, April 27, 2012

Gabe Goes to War and Norah Keeps It Classy

Just a few quick uploads.

Gabe rediscovered his army guys the other day and set up some pretty impressive battles in the rock bed off our front porch.

And another . . .

Or maybe not yet . . . 

Blogger has updated. After, what, four years of using the same format, which has always sucked butt, they've finally changed it. Now, when I add a picture, it adds it to the place where I want it to go, it doesn't just dump the picture at the beginning and make me move it around. Which is nice. The video upload seemed a little bit faster and more reliable at first, too, then it refused to upload a second video for me. Great. So I'll move on then try to upload the second video later, I suppose. Glad Blogger is keeping on the cutting edge of sucky blog technology, though.

So, there's also this:

Norah's new floatation device. She decided that she needed to wear it around for a half hour or so after we gave it to her. And she refused to let us pull down her shirt for some reason, too, so we took a picture for posterity instead.

And Blogger is still refusing to let me upload the second video of Gabe playing with his armies. Stupid Blogger.  Oh well, I suppose it was just more of the same, but still. Eat it, Blogger!

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