Thursday, July 22, 2010

Interlude: Norah Walking (Sort of) and Gabe Doing Weird Things

I finally brought the camera into the living room with me long enough to catch Norah sort of walking. It's been tough to capture on video because, like Big Foot, Norah doesn't like to cooperate with the camera. Also like Bigfoot, Norah makes a lot of incomprehensible noises. Actually, the comparisons between the two could go on for some time--but my immune system finally caved in and I have the cold that everyone else in the house has been going through for the past week, so I'm not really in the mood to wax . . . whatever. I was going to come up with some way to combine Big Foot and "philosophical" to go at the end of that sentence, but . . . shut up.

Anyway, here's some video. Gabe, at least, did a pretty good job of filling in the lulls in Norah's action sequences (and, really, for her, the few steps she took was pretty actiony).

Oh, and the stuff all over Norah's face and arms isn't something disgusting. It's marker. She's discovered the joy of writing on everything in our house, but especially herself, with washable marker.

1 comment:

  1. what a family...a girl who eats tractors and a boy who hangs upside down. Classy.
