Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Naw. Just kidding. Nothing new has happened yet. We're still waiting on a call from our case worker to let us know when we can pick up our new bouncing baby girl. I'm quite excited! Not by the prospects of not sleeping for more than two hour stretches for the next few months--that part I not-so-silently dreading. But I AM excited about documenting, on here, the developmental milestones as they take place. I didn't do such a hot job of that with Gabe, and now we really can't remember when he started crawling or sitting up on his own or walking--I mean, we REMEMBER it, but we can't remember exactly how old he was or anything like that, which isn't really of any use for people who might be curiously reading these blogs for that kind of information. I DO remember, with crystal clarity, that he was 13 months old before he started consistently sleeping through the night--though, technically, that's still not REALLY the case since his definition of "morning" begins at 4:30, which I consider entirely unreasonable. Anything before 7:00 a.m. is "bedtime" as far as I'm concerned.

Anyway, you have those updates to look forward to.

Oh, I guess I do have one milestone that I can record for posterity with Gabe. A couple of days ago, Gabe figured out how to intentionally remove the cap from a bottle of lotion we have for him in his diaper cupboard. He then proceeded to lubricate most of his arms, the front of his shirt, and a sizeable portion of the floor in the nanosecond it took me to notice and the couple of seconds it took me to leap across the room while screaming "NOOOOOOO!" in slow motion. This isn't the first time he's removed a cap and made a mess--he's accidentally done it at least two other times that I can think of--but this was the first time that he actually seemed to know what he was doing. I know this not because I was watching how he removed the cap--that would have been pretty stupid of me to do considering the mess he made--but because I watched him repeatedly go for the cupboard to find the tube so he could practice his new skill all over again. So, if you're looking for a 24 month milestone, removing caps from things seems like a pretty good one.

Oh, wait, there's another new one, too. He knows what "owies" are now. The night before last, he started doing something pretty funny, and he's done it to me two more times since. He is quite fond of the kisses we give his owies, so he's been intentionally "hurting" himself to get them. He'll smack the floor with his hand or step lightly on a toy on the floor to get one on his foot so he can come running up to one of us and say "Owie!" and hold up the offended appendage. In this video, he'd been sitting on the floor in the dining room slapping the floor, saying, "Owie," and holding up his hand for Libby to kiss. As soon as I got the camera, though, he stopped doing it for a bit while yelling "Bop!" and smacking the wall had his attention. But, towards the end of the video, he did demonstrate "owie" a bit.

And, don't worry, we'll let everyone know when we have some news about the new baby.

Oh! And the puke! Oh, god, I'd forgotten about all the puke. Yeah, I'm not looking forward to that again either. I've gotten rather used to being able to wear the same clothes for an entire day. Oh well. I guess the washing machine is going to start getting a good workout again. Which is just as well. It was starting to get soft.


  1. I'm sure you have a lot of that info about Gabe recorded via email, blog posts, and youtube video. I clearly remember the first crawling video, and they're dated, so that must tell you around when he started. It all seems very recent, though...

  2. can you post a video of that sweet baby girl, too? Skye
