Monday, June 8, 2009

Speech Impediments and the Cleaning Ninja

So I do have a couple of videos to share from the last couple of days that I forgot about when I posted earlier.

The first one is of Libby and Gabe, Friday night, I think. The video is pretty self-explanatory and also quite amusing.

This second video I took earlier. A month or so ago, Libby bought Gabe some kid sized brooms. For some reason, the kid is obsessed with brooms. Every time he sees one, he picks it up and has to start "cleaning" with it--though, in reality, he's usually just knocking things off shelves and tables or batting around things on the floor like he's playing hockey. My hope is this means he's one of nature's cleaners--which is a natural inclination I will happily exploit when he gets old enough to actually know what he's doing--and not that he's got a long and industrious future as a janitor ahead of him.

Anyway, he started carrying both brooms around and trying to use them at the same time. Right before I started recording, of course, he was holding them up, crossed together, in front of his face like he was some sort of warrior (which inspired the name of the post). Then he put one of the brooms in his mouth and tried to stick the other one up his nose (which inspired me to get the camera, though what I actually got on tape wasn't nearly as amusing).


  1. blehbleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleeeehhhhh... Hilarious.

  2. Maybe one day he'll be interested in curling. 'Sweep.. SWEEEEEP!!'

  3. I wonder if he's inherited (by osmosis?) my childhood obsession with cleaning. I did, in fact, sew my own cleaning belt AND request a tub & washboard one christmas. Milk it for all you can, Pat - I know my mom & dad did.
