Yesterday, Gabe came with to do the grocery shopping. Usually I try to take one kid or the other with me to do the shopping, just to spread the misery out as much as possible. Gabe used to enjoy it, but over the past few months has gotten to the point where he'll come up with any excuse he can to get out of going. Yesterday, though, I had the "If you want to go to Disney on Ice later, then you're going to have to help me with the shopping." Obviously, since we'd already purchased the tickets, there was zero chance that we would skip the show, but, fortunately, Gabe hasn't been able to decipher all of my many and varied idle threats yet. Which is good, since idle threats are my primary parenting weapon.
Anyway, as we were walking down the soda aisle, he grabbed a bottle of red gatorade and wanted me to get it.
"This is what I called Rigade," he informed me. I'd heard this story from Libby already. She had some orange gatorade at Gabe's last soccer game (which, by the by, is going HORRIBLY--Gabe has completely lost interest in soccer and is now the kid who just sits out on the field and/or follows the refs around trying to strike up casual conversations with them instead of doing what he's supposed to be doing. It's kind of a nightmare. I'll try to get some good video next time to properly document it.) and he, for some reason or other, decided to call it Rigade.
"No, that is what you call Hot Squirrel. The orange gatorade is Rigade."
"No," he corrected, "the orange gatorade is Hot Squirrel (do you like how I capitalize the made up stuff and use lower case on the actual brand name?). The red gatorade is Rigade."
"Not a bit of it. I can prove it when we get home because I wrote it all down right after the Hot Squirrel thing happened."
And then, by the time we got home, I forgot all about it.
Fortunately, he reminded me of it this afternoon, so I spent some time trying to figure out where I'd documented the Hot Squirrel incident. After scanning nearly a year of stuff on here (because I don't know how to set this site up so I can keyword search everything, and don't care enough to spend the time I'd need to do so), I figured I must not have posted anything about it on here. Which left Facebook. Which also doesn't have any good way to search previous posts. Eventually, however, I did find it. From April of 2012.
It saddens me that it never made it onto this blog, as this blog is what I consider my official parenting documentation for the children to go back to years from now so they can accurately pinpoint when and how I screwed them up to help streamline their therapy sessions. It sucks that Facebook has become my go-to place to post this kind of stuff.
But, then, people actually read my facebook posts, so someone at least will see the silly things my kids are doing.
Anyway, here's the official recounting of the Hot Squirrel thing:
First off, way to go Gabe on already losing interest in sports. As the least gifted athletically of the family, I feel he follows in my footsteps. Walking with the ref to have a conversation seems more social to me than what I did, sit in the infield and make sand castles. Good for him.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, the Hot Squirrel section really did feel like something out of a cross over of NCIS Cunningham and CIS Newton. Was sitting on the edge of my seat until you were able to solve the mystery.
I don't understand the On Ice thing. Why do all of these kids musical shows need to be on ice? What does that add that couldn't be done through some sort of normal theatrical showing?