Friday, September 7, 2012

Norah Works on Her Sonic Scream

Yeah, that's right. I'm making a Banshee from X-Men reference. I'm not proud of it, but there is, literally, nothing else I can think of other than the character in the terrible 90s X-Men cartoon when I watch Norah in this video.

Plus, it's a pretty hilarious reference, if you appreciate what a stupid character Banshee is.

This video, though, is awesome. Here's the set up.

Gabe has been a bit obsessed with guns lately. And shooting things. And "killing" people. Probably not the best kind of play-time activity when one lives in, and wants to blend into, a community of largely pacifistic Mennonites, but what can you do? He watches violent television, movies, and video games, of course he's going to be that way. Duh. What am I supposed to do, keep him from watching that kind of thing? Sounds hard. I don't like it.

But mostly he just likes to shoot his little sucker-dart-nerf gun at the walls (because we've carefully explained how completely we will destroy his guns if he should ever shoot something that ends up breaking). And here he shot one and it actually stuck (as anyone who has ever spent much time shooting dart and nerf-dart guns knows, actually getting one to stick to anything is a pretty big deal), but it was about eight feet up the wall and they couldn't reach it to get it down. So they decided to try some alternate methods to get it down. Gabe tried throwing other darts at it, but Norah decided to scream it down. It didn't work, but it was awesome to watch.

1 comment:

  1. Banshee was not the most useless of X-men, sound can break stuff. It wasn't like he was shooting fireworks out, or bones.
    Pretty funny though, and I would have really thought that it would have worked. Very surprising.
