Thursday, July 12, 2012

Norah Goes Meta

Last night, Gabe decided that we needed to have another movie night. He's had two of them already this week and, I guess, found a rhythm. But, last night, there weren't any movies that Gabe wanted to watch. So he fished out a Baby Gabe movie.

About a year ago, I figured out how to burn DVDs on the laptop I had. I'd tried a couple times prior to get something to work on our desktop, but either it lacked the software or this computer just sucks (both, I think), and I could never get anything to work. But I did on the laptop, so I started to compile the videos I had of the kids--I got Gabe's first two years (on THREE DVDs--and keep in mind that I didn't start the blog until he was 18 months, so I'm guessing we'll have thirty or so disks if we put all of his stuff on DVD) and Norah's first year done.  We started with one of Gabe's disks but then moved to Norah's.

She was mostly unimpressed with the movies. "That's Norah," she'd keep saying. It seemed she was thinking of herself as well as referring to herself in the third person. She watched but really didn't seem to be appreciating the fact that it was HER on the screen, just smaller.

Until Baby Norah started making noises that sound exactly like noises that Big Norah still makes (specifically the whining and the crying), and then we convinced her to start making the noises herself and I think she began to put the pieces together a little bit better.

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