Thursday, May 10, 2012

Gabe's Movies

Gabe has recently discovered movie making. Well, actually, he's discovered playing with his toys while we film him and he gets to watch the movie played back. Which, really, isn't all that different than what we've been doing with the camera and him for the past almost five years, I suppose.

But instead of just him acting like a goof in front of the camera and then wanting to watch it because, I assume, he wants to take some notes on his performance for future reference, this time he's trying to tell a story with his toys which he can watch to take notes on their performance.

So here's some video of him making a Star Wars movie. But Gabe really isn't what's going on in these videos. Norah is.

Effing Blogger. They still haven't fixed the thing that's not letting me post more than one video at a time (if I'm uploading it--I might be able to if I felt like uploading everything to youtube first, which I don't). God, I swear, how has this blogging site stayed around for this long, it's been garbage this entire time.

Well, there's ONE video of Gabe and Norah doing Gabe's movie. I guess I won't be loading anymore for the time being.

Stupid blogger. OK, so they will let me load videos again, but I have to load all the videos together, then there's a weird block of them and they can't be separated. Moreover, I can't type AFTER the videos now either. But, here are the other two videos of Gabe's movies.


  1. Just for future reference, since we all know that you stole all of the original star wars stuff and claimed it as your own, I am pretty sure the little ship in the first video is actually mine. Just saying. Glad Gabe is able to enjoy it.

  2. Um, yeah. It is. However, Gabe KNOWS that. The only original series toys that I've given them are those three little ships that we had (I'm pretty sure the other two were mine--either that or one was Jon's but he was so little that he didn't even know it was his, so who cares), and I told him when I gave it to him that it was Famous Uncle Ben's. Of course, you are welcome to come get that and any of the other original run toys that have a B marked on them (I don't think I have many of them, actually, though I'm not sure where they'd be). The rest of the original run toys are in my storage shed still, because even the extreme temperatures they are subjected to will still be less harmful than letting him play with them.
