Monday, September 5, 2011

Old Timey Fun

The bookstore has an old manual typewriter in it. Over the past few months, every time he went in the store, Gabe would pound away at the keys for about as long as he'll stay focused on anything not involving guns or mud, so when Libby found one for sale at the thrift store here in town, she jumped on it. It's been a popular toy here for the past few weeks, and I got a few videos of Norah making the most of it.


  1. Ha, Ha! Aaron pounded away on a typewriter that came from a garage sale, until I grew weary of all the tap tap tap tap tap and now it's sitting on our front porch. - Jes

  2. That's not an old typewriter! It's electric. We would have given anything to have had a typewriter that nice when we lived in Emporia and Karen was doing her degrees. She pounded away on an old Smith-Corona manual portable. Now that's old.
    Love Norah's laugh! We couldn't help but laugh with her.
