Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Dammit, Dammit, Dammit

So, I was sitting in here a little while ago, checking email, and heard, from the dining room, Gabe saying, "Dammit, dammit, dammit" while he pushed his dump truck around the room. At least I THINK that's what he was saying. He had his binky in, so I can't be sure that he wasn't saying something completely different.

I blame Libby. I'm pretty good about limiting my curses to under-my-breath utterances whenever I'm around him. Libby, however, is like a salty sailor of yore after having his pecker slammed in a brothel door by a hooker. She lacks the creative flare that my dad had when we were growing up ("son of a whore's ass!" he yelled once as something or other went wrong on the project he was working on in our shop--still my favorite curse of all time), but she makes up for it with the sheer volume of vitriolic words that she spews forth in one breath. She's all "eff this" and "that's ess" and everyone's a "bee" or an "aye" or a "see sucking mother effing ess stained see faced rusty tromboning eff face." I swear, it's a good thing I'm the one staying home with Gabe or he might as well be growing up in a Quentin Tarantino movie.

But I couldn't scold him for saying it because I couldn't be SURE that was what he said. I asked him to take out his binky and say it again. He took out his plug then spouted off some gibberish, so I can't even be sure he was saying actual words to begin with--either that, or he knew he'd be in trouble and was covering it up, he's been doing quite a bit of experimenting with lying the past few weeks. So I had to let it slide. For now.

Gabe has also discovered that his voice sounds funny when his ears are covered up. For some reason, enjoying this new discovery is almost always coupled with a complete spaz out. Last night, he put his fingers in his ear and then rand around the living room and dining room shouting whatever came to mind. I grabbed the camera eventually, but what I got wasn't nearly as entertaining as what he was doing before I started filming--as usual.

I actually took two videos. I can't decide which is better, so I'll post them both.

And, no, that's not a giant opossum running out of the room. That's our twenty-pound cat, Tsunami.

After this first video, I tried a little coaching to see if we could get a better result out of him. Specifically, I recommended that he have a "big finish," which he then began his routine with, and which I missed most of.

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