Wednesday, April 10, 2013


A quick story that Libby just relayed to me from her car ride with Gabe to school this morning:

Gabe: What does 'd a' spell?
Libby: It doesn't really spell anything
Gabe: I thought it spelled 'day.'
Libby: No, that's 'd a y.'
Gabe: What does 'd a i' spell?
Libby: That doesn't really spell anything.
Gabe: What does 'd a d' spell?
Libby: Sound it out.
Gabe: I think it spells 'dumb.'

And Libby laughed and laughed and laughed, then she called me. I'm not sure that she corrected him either, so that might be how he spells 'dumb' from now on.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I guess it's never to early for a parent to realize that their children think they are dumb. Just know that by the time they are, oh, maybe in their twenties, they might start to think you have some brain matter upstairs.
