Last night, for the first time, the whole family went trick-or-treating. Prior to this year, one of us has always stayed back to catch any ToTers that came to the house. But, since we only ever get four or five sets of people, we decided not to mess with it this year. Also, it was unseasonably nice out last night, AND Norah was old enough to put into a costume for the first time. So, since there was such a perfect confluence of circumstances, we decided to stick it to whoever might be unfortunate enough to choose our street to ToT on.
Because we're still relatively new to the ToT experience, we weren't very familiar with the best places to hit in town. Fortunately, we heard through some friends about a few blocks in one of the nicer stretches of houses where most of the residents (90% old folks, I would wager) take Halloween pretty seriously. Without further ado, we loaded up the kids and ventured out of our neighborhood and into the one that offered the highest ratio of goodies for the kids to actual steps taken.
For our laziness, Gabe was rewarded with a pumpkin just about full of candy.
Because I have a nasty habit of eating ALL candy that comes into our house (quite selflessly, I think--really, I'm only looking out for the welfare of the rest of my family by sparing them the exposure to the unhealthy stuff), we don't tend to have much around at any given time. Furthermore, Gabe has stuck pretty exclusively to M&Ms whenever given the choice of what kind of candy he'd want. Thus, he's really not been able to experience the wide variety of delicious options that are out there.
He's been making up for lost time so far today, though, trying all kinds of new things. I've been stalling and carefully parceling out treats as slowly as I can, but I fully expect multiple sugar highs and upset stomachs as this week progresses.
Most notably, he discovered Pixie Stix today. This thinly veiled kid crack has always been one of my personal favorites. It was pretty amusing watching him "eat" it. Of course he couldn't understand why he couldn't get it out after he sucked on the paper. Then, after I tore off the slobbery end, he ended up dumping most of the rest of the stick all over his face and shoulder in his exuberance, but he liked it enough that he wanted another right after he finished, which I didn't oblige because he only has one left and I'm trying desperately to teach him to pace himself.
Anyway, here are some of the pictures we got.
About two minutes after we got her in her costume, and very nearly the last time she smiled the rest of the evening because of the costume.
The costume with the hood up. Really, this was the ideal costume for Norah. She was born to be a bumblebee. The only other costume MORE suitable than an insect that flies despite a girth that seemingly defies the laws of physics would be a sumo wrestler. We figured it was a little chilly for her to be in nothing but a diaper all night, though.
"Posing" on the porch. Not nearly as interesting as the picture of him in his cowboy outfit picking his nose last year, but you take what you can get, I suppose.
Despite how terrible it is, this was the best picture of the two of them standing near each other that we could get. Neither of them was interested in standing still and looking cheerfully at the camera.
Gabe and Finn. Finn's costume even lit up. Obviously, someone's parents were willing to put a lot more work into their child's costume than we were.
On the trick-or-treat path. Gabe is NOT goose stepping, no matter what it looks like.
One of the first houses they hit. Once they got into the rhythm of it, Gabe and Finn were running at a sprinter's pace from house to house and it was all we could do to keep up with them. I guess when candy is involved, it doesn't take kids very long to figure the system out. I wish we could apply that kind of learning curve to everything else he does.
This was a pretty typical look coming from Norah through the evening. She didn't like being cooped up in the stroller, but the boys were moving so fast that she really didn't have any other choice. Such judgment and scorn in those eyes.
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